Country music entertainer Jonnie Russell has decided to try a new concept in entertainment, and that is to bring his popular All Star Show away from the major city clubs and instead present them in the outlining districts which are still only a short distance from the main cities and towns.  

“We are kind of turning back the clock so to speak and taking our shows directly out to the people. Slim Dusty and Reg Lindsay did this very same thing in days gone by, so why not reintroduce it?” said Jonnie. 

Jonnie has had a lifetime in the music industry and has appeared all over Australia as well as in Nashville Tennessee, where he appeared on the Carl Tipton TV Show and represented Australia on a program called international Showcase way back in 1986. Jon has also recorded in Nashville, his most popular song being ‘Make My Coffee Black’. 

The Jonnie Russell All Star Show will be held at Llandilo Hall on Sunday July 22 commencing at 1pm. 

Jon’s special guests on the day will be popular Irish singer Nick O’Neill and the fabulous Darcy Le Year from the Wolverines, one of the most popular acts on the Australian club circuit. The backing band will be the Palominos. 

They are expecting a full house on the day, so those interested in coming along are urged to please be early to ensure a good seat. Doors open at 12:30pm and tickets are just $15 – all one price. 

Tea, coffee, Milo and refreshments will be available at half time. 

A great family day is ensured, so roll up for a good time and sing along to all your country music classics. 


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