When Anzac Day services and memorials were cancelled this year, many Australians came together to collectively look at alternate ways in which we would still have a day of remembrance whilst practicing social distancing and being isolated from one another. A movement began and it was soon decided upon that we would each stand on our driveways at home at dawn and observe a minute’s silence.

As we were unable to participate in a service, there were several ways in which we could commemorate Anzac Day 2020. RSL NSW suggested that you could record yourself reciting the ode or sharing a message on social media using the hashtag #ANZACSpirit. They also suggested that whilst listening to a streamed commemorative service, you could ‘light up the dawn’ by lighting a candle to remember those who fought for our country.
Students who play instruments in school bands also participated in various musical projects across the country, which saw them perform ‘The Last Post’ at 6:00am on their driveways at home (after advising their neighbours of their plans on Anzac Day).

Mateship plays a big part on Anzac Day, with many veterans, their families and friends coming together to spend time with one another in years gone by. Instead, this year it was replaced with phone and video calls, where checking up on a mate was more important than ever.

How ever you chose to acknowledge Anzac Day this year, one thing was for certain. That was that Anzac Spirit is still very much alive in Australia, New Zealand and right around the world. Many kept sharing stories to show that the spirit of Anzac remains. Lest we forget.

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