The start of a new year also brings with it the excitement of starting school for the very first time for thousands of students across the country. Five-year-old Lennie Nix is one of those students and she can’t wait to start kindergarten at Emu Heights Public School this month.

Lennie will be joining her seven-year-old brother Harvey at the school this year and she’s already looking forward to having Crunch and Sip and playing the big Connect 4 in the playground with her friends!

“This year will be very emotional when Lennie starts school, being our last child and realising that we won’t have our little girl at home anymore. Losing our girl’s day on Wednesdays will be very sad for me. I know she’ll thrive and is completely ready for big school, but knowing I will no longer have my side kick, I’ll feel a little lost” explained Jade Nix, Lennie’s Mum.

She has attended both a preschool and daycare centre locally in the past 12 months in preparation for big school. “Watching her confidence, independence and knowledge build has been wonderful to see” added Jade.

Lennie has already been asked the big question about what she wants to be when she finishes school and answered with a big smile, “I want to be a kid’s doctor because I want to fix people’s broken legs”.

“We love Emu Heights and it’s little community. Our evening walks always involve saying hi to fellow students who live nearby or stopping to pat another person’s dog. Living so close to our school allows both kids to ride their scooters there and sometimes stop at the park for a play. Hearing the children play in the playground during lunchtime or the end of break bell always make our hearts warm” ended Jade and Tim Nix, Lennie’s parents.

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