Jordan Springs’ Sapphire Penehoe is certainly living up to her name, with the 5-year-old starring in Mazda’s latest television commercial shown in Australia. 

The young school girl, who began modelling at the age of just 2, attended a casting for the Mazda CX-8 Diesel television commercial in March, before receiving a successful call-up for the job in April. 

“Sapphire filmed the Mazda television commercial in early May over 3 days in 3 different locations. She had a great time on set and was treated like royalty from the cast and crew. Seeing how they film driving scenes was amazing and a very different experience for her. She was a little shy when she first saw herself on TV, but now gets excited every time the ad comes on” said Carly Hoogenboom, Sapphire’s Mum. 

The pint-sized actor has already featured in quite a few television commercials in her short career. Sapphire’s next project will see her in an upcoming mini-series, where she appears in a small part in it. 

“Sapphire absolutely loves acting and modelling. She is constantly asking when her next gig is” added Carly. 

When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, Sapphire’s answer was “I want to be a Superhero!” There’s no doubt that she could make this happen through film, that’s for sure. 

For anyone wanting to start their children in acting/modelling in the future, Carly has this advice, “It provides a great way to make friends outside of her school and has built her confidence up. It’s a big commitment on the parent’s side, but well worth it when you see your daughter on TV”.  

The Jordan Springs Gazette wishes Sapphire the best of luck on her career and we look forward to one day seeing her save the world on the big screen! 


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