Students at The Lakes Christian College are enjoying eating ice creams in an effort to raise money to support the drought affected farmers.  

The College canteen only operates a few days a week, so on the non-canteen days the SRC are selling ice creams and ice blocks and all proceeds are being given to Buy a Bale to help farmers. The College encourages its students to think about others and to reach out into the community to support those in need.  

Earlier in the year, students held fundraising activities to support the Westmead Children’s Hospital. On other occasions, student fundraising has been held for Camp Quality and Cystic Fybrosis. In response to the drought, students asked if this term’s fundraising could go to the farmers by donating to Buy a Bale. 

The College greatly appreciates the support and assistance given by Cranebrook Woolworths in this venture. A graph of the amount raised each week is being displayed outside the canteen to keep the College informed of the progress. 

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